I found another loop hike near Leadville. It is the Fancy Pass / Missouri Pass Loop.
And a topo image of the route
By the time I reached the pass below where I took this selfie I was pretty exhausted, really exhausted.
In below image you can see where I was dropping down but would soon enough would have to ascend the Missouri Pass on the left in the distance.
Some beautiful sites coming over Missouri Pass. Per usual I was going way too quickly going downhill back towards my car.
I was pretty beat at the end. I got back in the car and headed towards Rocky Mountain national Park back near Boulder. Snapping some pixs through the town of Winterpark
The Fog rolled in heavy just before getting to the gateway to the park in the town of Grand Lake
I was looking for a National Forest before entering the park so I could camp for free, but was not able to find one. I ended up just camping at an organized campground just a mile short of the South Park entrance. It was getting dark. I asked for cheapest remote spot. They charged me $36 for a spot next to the main entrance and the dumpster.
It rained like crazy that night. Around 4am I could not take the soaking I was getting and slept in the car a few more hours before daylight.
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