Utah: Zion NP
"Zion Redux" (04/19/14)
Michigan has just suffered through the worst winter on record. Normally we get hit with a blast, it hangs around for a few days and then melts, but this time was different. The snow came in December and never left until March. We had permanent snow banks and the sidewalks were covered with a constant layer of ice. As I struggled through this Blizzard Affective Disorder I did appreciate one thing; I no longer have a desire to travel to the Arctic and walk on a glacier. Continue Reading
California: Pebble Beach
"Three Stacks of High Society" (09/23/14)
I had a wedding in Pebble Beach California. I am neither a golfer nor rich, so you may ask what I am doing going there for the weekend. Well, my friend had the wedding and I was tagging along, trying to fit in, no not really. Continue Reading
Michigan: Ausuble River
"2 Male Nurses on Fall Color Tour" (10/21/13)
Michigan Trying to get one more good kayak trip in before the freeze-out. I chose to do the Ausable river. It runs West to East across half the state near the city of GraylingBelow is the Itinerary. The plan was basically to head up about 11am and kayak 2 hours to campsite. Kayak 5 hours the second day then camp at rainbow Bend and close out the final day with 2 hours to Parmalee Bridge. Continue Reading
Michigan: Cadillac
"Raging River" (07/25/13)
Bought kayak this spring. I did not go all out but bought a fairly cheap OldTown Vapor 10 from Dunhams for $275. I did a fair amount of research on the matter but did not really have an expert to consult. So by the time my friend Rob was in the market a month later I knew a bit more. He ended up getting a little nicer one on sale as well at Dunhams. I love that place. They have the cheapest stuff. I would have gone to my REI faithful but they were asking a couple hundred more for the same yaks. Continue Reading
"Feel My Wrath" (09/13/13)
I have traveled around most of the US, but outside of a trip to Denver and Ft Collins I really had not explored the state too extensively. A recent trip to Montana and up into BC had forced me to reconsider my travel priorities and I have decided to check out some more spots in my own backyard. Continue Reading
Michigan: Manitou to Traverse City
"Island Life" (07/15/13)
A quick reunion weekend trip with a friend from Notre Dame. He was coming from Chicago and I from Ann Arbor. We were to meet in Grand Rapids drop a car then drive up near Traverse city for a day of Floating down the Platte River. That night we would catch up in Traverse City before heading out for a couple days of hiking on North Manitou island (reached by ferry from Leland MI). Continue Reading
"I'm On a Boat!" (08/06/13)
I was trying to keep the trend of songs referring to my locations and this was the only one I could find that had a snappy beat. It is by the Magnetic Fields. Below is a link to listen to the YouTube. I figure it will be rocketing to the top of the charts any day. Continue Reading
"Cats in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon " (08/21/12)
A short trip up north to break up the monotony of daily life. I am about 2 weeks from a couple weeks in Montana, and had all my gear strewn across the floor just begging to be utilized. I had not been hiking with my father for a couple years, and the 2 previous adventures together had been a bit more rocky then necessary.Continue Reading
"Tour of Pacific NW's Casino Parking Lots" (05/28/12)
I started planning this trip about 5 years ago. One of my bucket list items was visiting all the national parks and I had yet to visit any in the Pacific Northwest. Hell, outside of a couple days rafting in Oregon I had no time north of San Francisco.Continue Reading
"Tour of Pacific NW's Casino Parking Lots" (05/30/13)
I made my way up to Crater Lake. Crater is the deepest lake in the US at 1,949 feet it is actually called a Caldera because it formed from the collapse of the volcano Mount Mazama. Continue Reading
"Tour of Pacific NW's Casino Parking Lots" (06/05/13)
I was up and on the road by 10am. A little later then I would have liked but I needed the rest. I was originally planning on heading back East towards Mt Hood stopping at this cool Natural Springs (Bagby Hot Springs) But I was behind my schedule and opted to continue north along Route 5 straight into Washington. My first stop was Mt St. Helens. I got off at the exit and went to the visitor’s station. I snapped this shot Continue Reading