"Stood Alone on a Mountaintop..." (09/16/12)
A line borrowed from Detroiter Bob Seger that ran through my head throughout this trip, followed close behind by Carly Rae Jepsen’s song “Call Me Maybe”. I had not really been planning this trip for very long. More like a quick inspiration and a cheaper option to something International right now. The plan was to fly into Montana (Kalispell), and head north through Glacier National Park, Banff, Lake Louise, and Jasper before circling back in a week’s time for a flight out. Continue Reading
Maine: Bar Harbor
"Lobster Dinner around the Campfire" (06/15/12)
It wasn’t long ago that I returned from a grueling trip through the Pacific Northwest and now I was off in the opposite direction to check out Acadia, the only National Park in the Northeast. I was to meet my brother and his girlfriend in Boston, rent a car, and make the 5 hour trip up the coast. I have never been to Maine, and was expecting cold temperatures. Continue Reading
Michigan: Port Austin
"The Sea Was Angry My Friends" (07/06/10)
It was 4th of July weekend and I had to work Friday/Saturday, so was itching to make the most of Sunday. I sometimes check in on this guy's blog (Lars Jensen): Random Spaces, Like me he seems to enjoy backpacking, photography and getting outdoors every possible free moment. I was impressed by his images of this jewel in my backyard that I had not heard of, more specifically a very small island called Turnip Rock. Continue Reading
New Hampshire: Mt. Washington
"The Highest Peak in the World!..." (08/15/09)
It has been a fair amount of time since I have reached out to everyone. I trust you had a great Fourth of July. Today's chapter takes Darren through the Northeast portion of our country, more specifically New Hampshire. Let me place the fork and knife down in front of you (set the table) so you can properly devour this voyage. My father has had this dream of climbing Mt Washington for the 5th time. Continue Reading
West Virginia: Dolly Sods
"Mountain Mama" (06/21/11)
With all this international travel, my home country was getting jealous and my pocketbook was running on fumes so I structured a week’s vacation and headed down to West Virginia. I have spent a fair amount of time in WV, but mostly on the West side of the state for rafting. WV is a beautiful state that not many people appreciate because they think it is full of hicks and inbreds, which is fine with me (the misconception, not the inbreeding). Continue Reading
"North Country Trail" (07/27/08)
It has been too long since I had ventured out into the wild, so it was the end of July and my Father planned out a trip to Pennsylvania to tackle a section of the North Country Trail. The North Country National Scenic Trail is a premier footpath that stretches for about 4,600 miles linking communities, forests, and prairies across seven northern states. It is basically the same thing as the Appalachian Trail (AT) except this one crosses the US Horizontally as opposed to Vertically like the AT. Continue Reading
Michigan: Manistee
"Fall Color Tour" (10/11/09)
This was a short trip, but was still able to experience all the 4 seasons. I had a pretty light weekend and I wanted to hike while the fall colors were still in effect so I headed up to northern Michigan to the Manistee National Forest. Below is a map of the trail. I started at Seaton Creek Campground on the upper right corner and made the loop south across Red Bridge and back up the other side, back to Seaton Creek Campground. Continue Reading
"SoCal NP Loop" (05/24/10)
Another break on my hands combined with my brother's recent move to Malibu resulted in a trip to tour the National Parks of Southern California. This was a short planning period so I need twice the sex with half the foreplay. I actually stole that line from Robert Redford, and like it so much I try to use wherever possible, usually in the wrong context and company. I am on this kick to hit all the parks in the lower 48 by the age of 40, and sleeping a night in each. With that as my skeleton I began to flesh it out. Continue Reading
Illinois: Chicago
"Windy City Weekend" (11/10/10)
It has been a long time since my last confession and this one isn't exactly earth-shattering. How is that for a teaser? I was headed to Chicago to visit a friend and realized that I have never really explored Illinois outdoors. I spent a couple days and checked out some state parks online before catching a train to the Windy City. I admit that we are spoiled here in Michigan with beautiful landscapes and miles of beachfront but IL has to have something...? Continue Reading
Michigan: Munising
"Pictured Rocks Upper Peninsula" (05/15/09)
This was to be a grand week-long trip to the Upper Peninsula. I was to hit Pictured Rocks National Park and then scoot over to the Porcupine forest for a 3 day, 40 mile hike through bear infested wilderness. That was the plan; the reality was that I only made it through phase I before heading home due to inclement weather and being a little bit of a Sally. Continue Reading