"Free Fallin'" (06/24/06)
Well. I am sure this has happened to every blogger at one time or another, but I just wrote this whole blog and lost it all when my Internet connection was lost. So let's try it again. I am heading to Miami next week, but I thought I would spend some time going over a trip to San Diego (Saint Diego) for some skydiving. Continue Reading
"Goin' Back to Cali" (05/24/06)
Apologies to LL Cool J, but I was headed to Northern California for a rafting bachelor party. I flew in a few days early to spend some time with one of my buddies who now lives in Sacramento. We drove up into mountains to check out the area as he had not ventured out of suburbia since he arrived. Continue Reading
"City Slicker Freeze Out" (02/24/06)
This one actually took place in mid-February. It was 8 guys from NYC looking for a little City Slicker action. I headed into Dallas early that week to catch up with an old friend from college (Clown Boy). After sharing a few beers and reframiliarizing myself with the various attractions of the city I was off to the Embassy Suites to meet the guys flying in for the trip. The week before I got down there they had unexpectedly hit 80 degrees on the thermometer, but wouldn't you know it.....25 degrees the week of the trip. Continue Reading
"Lake George Rafting" (05/24/06)
I was scheduled to take a group rafting in the Adirondacks over Memorial Day, but unfortunately the wedding got called off. Not the best start to my Bachelor Party Ideas Blog (BPIB), but whatta ya gonna do? I decided to head out to New York anyway and use the weekend for a little R&R of my own. For those who are unaware, Albany is the capital of NY, and its trademark monument is a building shaped like an egg that holds the performing arts...Continue Reading
Florida: Miami
"I Think We Need a Bigger Boat" (04/24/06)
I will try and avoid all the obvious Jaws references, or at least keep them to a minimum. I flew in on a Thursday and after meeting my brother, headed down to South Beach to check out the scene. Weather was nice, little did we know that 1 day after we left that a hurricane would hit the city. Actually the evacuation orders for the Keys was given on the day of departure, but as i said the weather was good for us. Continue Reading
"Rocky Mountain High" (06/24/06)
John Denver. He brought us such classics as "Rocky Mountain High" and "Thank God I'm a Country Boy." Pure genius. I was off to Denver and eventually Ft. Collins CO to pay homage to the legend and get some rafting in. I came in a day early and took in a Rockies baseball game and spent the evening stumbling around the LoDo area of Denver. Plenty of new rooftop beer providers for me to sample. Continue Reading
"BoSox and Bluefish in Boston" (06/24/06)
We were headed to Boston for a fishing trip for a friend from Michigan who is getting married next month. He is a hardcore Italian, so he wanted to taste Little Italy in the North End of Boston. I got in early in the week to do a little site seeing around Harvard to see if I could "beat up some smart kids." I checked out Cheers and even all the Paul Revere stops along the Boston Revolutionary tour. Continue Reading
"Olympic River Rafting" (05/30/06)
I decided to go in on Thursday to Chattanooga TN to check out some of the natural scenery. I drove up Lookout Mt, which is a famous Civil War landmark. After walking through gaps in boulders about 2 feet wide at the top of this mountain, I came to an open area with a spectacular view of the surrounding area. Reading a plaque along the railing, I came to find that you were actually able to see 7 states from this ledge. I had to take there word for it as none of the states were color-coded like they are on the map. Continue Reading
"Rafting in the Shadows of Mt Hood" (05/30/06)
I was eager to make the trip out West as it had been a while since my last visit. I read somewhere a quote, "Once you live West of the Mississippi, you will never go back East." I think that should be adjusted a little further west to the Eastern border of Colorado, but I definitely agree. Continue Reading
Michigan: Silver Lake
"Off Road Jeep Adventure" (05/30/06)
I picked up this great Jeep Grand Wagoneer ('86) with wood panels, and bought a hammock, thinking I could use it in place of a tent when hiking (hammock , not the Jeep). So, I got a space along Lake Michigan, tied my hammock from a tree to my Jeep and settled in for the night. At about 3am it starting pouring, which gave me a valid excuse to climb into the jeep. I say excuse because I could not sleep in the hammock, but was not going to let it beat me. Continue Reading
Arizona: Scottsdale
"Skydiving Adventure" (02/30/06)
One of the first bachelor parties I organized after the success of West Virginia. I was heading to Scottsdale to do some skydiving with a small group of friends. Although i am writing this years after I still remember it well. I have had a number of clients over the years, but these guys were probably my favorites. They were all very nice to me and each other. They were down to earth and went with the flow instead of being the high-end divas that made me hate parts of my job. Continue Reading
Florida: Ft. Lauderdale
"Shark Fishing" (04/16/06)
Anyway, this was a trip to Ft Lauderdale. I was just trying to get the travel business off the ground and going with the guys on each first trip in a new location to iron out the details so it might run seamlessly in my absence in the future. I flew in a couple days early and my college friend Ray was kind enough to give me access to his brother's place near the beach. Continue Reading
"Alternative Spring Break" (04/04/06)
It was early April. Notre Dame had Spring Break and I had organized a trip for those looking to get away from South Bend for a week, but were not down with the typical Panama City Florida Craziness. It was a little early for rafting season, but I thought we could keep busy in West Virginia for a few days. I drove down from Detroit and met the kids who car pooled over from Indiana. I had rented a house just outside Fayetteville WV for them. . Continue Reading